TVPlayer Logo-Master

Lead Designer ROXi

Magic Media Works Ltd

UI/UX and General Design 

I covered a lot of bases and Magic Media Works. I inherited the original design for the ROXi set-top box and my initial role was to maintain, develop and refine the UI/UX. I also created content for the weekly highlights section. My role broadened to support the marketing department with a redesign of the product website, creation of online ads and 3d rendering and motion graphics for TV advertising campaigns. I also led the redesign of ROXi's brand identity and refreshed the product packaging design.

LP%20 %20Logged%20OutLP%20 %20Logged%20Out
Amazon Fire-Art-Visual-2104_Channels%20Main%20Menu104_Channels%20Main%20Menu
TVPlayer Logo-Master

Peugeot Car Sales Website

Summit Media Ltd

UI/UX Design 

Peugeot car sales to staff account for a large percentage of their annual turnover. This closed site provided a great opportunity to design test online store designs before a larger roll out. Testing showed the existing site to be complicated and offputting to users. Simplification cut across the desire of corporate sale to bombard potential customers with the miriad of options and features of their products. These designs attempted bring the needs of customers and sales closer together.

LP%20 %20Logged%20OutRoku%20Landing%20Page%20V5
Amazon Fire-Art-Visual-2104_Channels%20Main%20Menu
TVPlayer Logo-Master

Internet TV Streaming Service UI/UX Support

TV Player Ltd

UI/UX Design 

At TVPlayer I worked closely with the platform development team, providing UI and UX support across multiple platforms. This included creating interactive wireframes and prototypes for new products right through to publicity graphics for email campaigns. I also supplied concept designs for the marketing dept. 

LP%20 %20Logged%20OutRoku%20Landing%20Page%20V5003_MainViewer GIFFGAFF
Amazon Fire-Art-Visual-2104_Channels%20Main%20MenuApple%20TV%20Background%20MockupAnimatedTitleCardsShowBundlesnPVR Scamp

Philips Health Care Touch Screen App.


UI/UX and Motion Graphics Design 

This project required the design and prototype of an app to run on touch screen TV and iPad. The touch screen TV was embedded in an exhibition stand and the iPads were used in meetings within the exhibition space. The app gave visitors information about Philips Healthcare services based on their choices using the UI. Interactions were recorded anonymously to give Philips Healthcare a profile of visitors to their Exhibition.

Web Tier-1-Copy
5ButsWeb Tier-4-Solutions-PeopleiPadFix1Web Tier-4-People-SupportingData-Page-2-Colour

Information Video

A short motion graphic video was created to outline some of the services Philips Healthcare provided and encourage visitors to use the app.

GUIB Icon-Splash

Energy Saver Research Project

Samsung R&D Institute UK

Web site redesign and information videos

Samsung ran a research project to see if electricity users could be encouraged to use the delayed start features of their Samsung household appliances to save energy. The website was redesigned to make it easier for those involved in the project to see their energy saving progress and whether they were achieving their goals.

Tap below for a selection of page designs, concepts and scamp ideas. 

ES_Home Forcast
ES_Home PointsES_Home Top-3-AppliancesES_Points 2-Piecharts
ES_Points 3-PiechartsES_Challenges Prize-Layout-2

Information Videos

To support the user trial, three animated videos were created. The first to explain the concept of energy shifting.
The second to explain the reward points scheme. And the third to explain the Great Energy Shifters Raffle

Energy Shifting

Reward Points Scheme

the Great Energy Shifters Raffle

GUIB Icon-Splashcopy

Graphic User Interface Builder

Samsung R&D Institute UK

Web Application Design and Developement

To encourage developers to create applications for their Tizen operating system, the graphics team at SRUK won funding to develop an application to ease the layout and animation of user interfaces. The application was designed and managed in the UK and coded by Global Logic in the Ukraine.


Game UI

Lift London (Microsoft) and Razorworks

Game UI and UX Design

Here are a few clips of game UI that were created to test ideas and sell interaction designs to stakeholders and developers.

Ford Racing 3

The UI for this came was modelled in Flash to test usability and model interaction animation and effects. (the video runs at twice normal speed)

iPad Based Quiz Game

Animated preview of UI features for stakeholder approval.

iPad Based Robot Fighting Game

Animated preview of UI features for stakeholder approval.

© Paul Amesbury 2024